Top 10 Plants

As we are living the toughest lives of all times currently after the COVID pandemic has happened, it is always good for us to have good oxygen levels around us in our homes. As per NASA’s clean air study “Interior Landscape Plants for Indoor Air Pollution Abatement”, we wish to bring to you the top 10 plants that could help in air purification.

  • Bamboo Palm

About: Bamboo Palm is biologically engineered to take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. However, what sets the Areca Palm apart is its ability to also purify the environment it’s placed in by removing dangerous chemicals such as formaldehyde, xylene and toluene.

Care: Bamboo palms are popular houseplants because they are low-maintenance and they do well in a variety of lighting conditions. They do require consistent moisture, so if you tend to under-water your plants you may want to skip this palm.

Placement: Bamboo palm will grow faster when placed in bright indirect light. It can also tolerate bright fluorescent light as well as medium light

  • Rubber Plant

While rubber plants (Ficus robusta) are grown as easy-care houseplants, they also improve indoor air quality, according to studies conducted by NASA. Their large leaves can absorb airborne chemicals and break them down, rendering them harmless. They absorb exhaled carbon dioxide and convert it to breathable oxygen. Rubber plants also eliminate bacteria and mold spores in the air.

Care: Rubber plants are tolerant of neglect and so can be grown easily by those with little experience with plants. They should be allowed to dry out between watering. Rubber plants handle under-watering better than over-watering.

Placement: They can thrive in dim light, so they do well in a variety of indoor conditions. Rubber plants can eventually reach 8 feet tall if given the right conditions, so they should be planted where there is space for them to grow.

  • Dracaena Marginata

Dracaena Marginata or the dragon tree, is a houseplant that has elegant long, thin leaves with red edges. The lower leaves gradually fall away to reveal a thin trunk. The dragon tree looks good on its own and is also useful for providing height among a group of houseplants.

Care: Dracaena marginata is a low maintenance plant that can last for years. It prefers a bright or lightly shaded spot but will also tolerate lower light levels. It likes moist compost but is tolerant of erratic watering. Wipe the leaves occasionally to keep them dust free and shiny, pulling any that have died off.

  • Spider Plant

For those of you who are houseplant newbies, the resilient spider plant is a perfect choice. It will quietly battle toxins including carbon monoxide and xylene, a solvent used in the printing and rubber industries. If you have pets, this is one of the few houseplants that are non-toxic to animals.

Care: You can also repot the tiny ‘spiderettes’ and grow a whole family of plants that will pretty much take care of themselves… and you.

Placement: The bedroom or the living room.

  • Peace Lily

Peace Lily is an easy and undemanding plant to look after. Their glossy green leaves make the perfect addition to any room especially those spots with low light. Keep them happy with a weekly water and fertilize with a slow-release fertilizer in spring to promote growth and those glorious white flowers. The plants are helpful to remove toxins such as benzene, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene.

Placement: The peace lily should be close to, but not directly under a window in a warm room in your house where it will benefit from indirect sunlight. North or West facing windows are best as these do not allow direct sunlight all day.

  • Chinese Evergreen

This plant is also known as the aglaonema plant. As the name suggests, this is truly an evergreen plant. This plant has over 100 varieties, and it is truly a spectacular plant in every sense. This is a low watering plant that thrives in indirect bright light conditions. This plant filters out benzene and formaldehyde from your surrounding area.

Care: The Chinese Evergreen does well in full shade, and only needs to be watered occasionally with a focus on keeping the soil moist. The number of plants kept is at the owner’s discretion.

  • Aloe Vera

A healing aloe plant is a lovely addition to your kitchen windowsill, as it loves a sunny spot. While being on hand to soothe any kitchen burns, this succulent will be purifying the air of formaldehyde and benzene, found in varnishes, floor finishes, and detergents.

Care: This plant will thrive in a sunny location. It doesn’t require frequent watering, so it is perfect for new plant moms and dads.

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May 2024



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